



Status: Complete

Board of Aldermen and House of Delegates

Be it remembered that on this the 14th day
of October A.D. 1891 the Board of Aldermen
and the House of Delegates of the City Council
of the City of Seattle met in Joint Scession
persuant to a motion published in the City
official newspapers on September 29th A.D. 1891
[inserted: Street Improvment setting date for consideration of assessment Roll of Stewart, Temperence, Alton, and Warren
as per affidavit now or file in the office of the
City Clerk, The Chairman Geo. W. Hall in the chair

At roll call the following members were

Delegates - Bagley - Barnes - Barton -
Harford - Hart - Morford - Shipley -
Willis - Jones - 9

Aldermen - Bogardus - Kour - Miller
- Pontuis - Snyder - Sweeney - Wilcox -
Geo. W. Hall - 8

The following proceedings are had.

Minutes of the Previous meeting read and approved.

= Stewart Street Roll=

The assessment Roll for Stewart Street Improvement
was taken up and read

Total Cost of Improvement 30974.85
" to be Paid by Property Owners 28347.10
" " " " " the City 2627.75

The following protest were filed against said
Stewart Street assessment.

That of P.H. Lewis owners of Lots 4 and 5 Block 7
the former being assured 90 feet and the latter for 30 feet

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