City of Seattle Office of the City Clerk City Council Minutes Record Series 1801-12 Volume 1 Record of the Joint Proceedings of the House of Delegates and Board of Aldermen 10/1890 - 3/1895
Board of Aldermen and House of Delegates of the City of Seattle Aldermen Special Election of -11 Andrews J R remonstrance - 36 Alton Street Assmt Roll - 37-40-42 Anderson J C franchise - 47
Board of Aldermen and House of Delegates of the City of Seattle Aldine Avenue Improvement of - 164-165-166Anna Street approval of rail - 202 Aurora Street Imp of - 284-283Alley Blk 8 Maynard's Imp of - 355 Assessment Roll Local Imp Dist No77 - 380 Allen Alex Jr appt to chief of Fire Dept - 401-402-435-436 Allen A Jr removal of - 463-464 Assessment Roll L I Dist No 101 - 463 Assessment Roll Anna St - 537-538-539 Albert St L I Dist 107 hearing - 503-504 Anna St L I Dist 112 hearing - 520-529-537