Park Commisioners of the City of Seattle. 23
July 10 1891
The President shall appoint all Committies
except where the Board shall otherwise
direct and shall be ex-officio a member
of all committees. The Board may at any
time increase the number of members
on any committee in such way as it may
deem best.
Section 18
The first member named on a
committee shall be the Chairman
thereof unless a majority of the Com-
mittee shall decide otherwise. The
Chairman of a committee shall call
the same together at such time and place
as he may deem proper whenever there
is any business requiring the attention
of the committee.
Section 19
The Committee On Improvements shall
have general supervision of work ordered
by the Board. In an emergency the
committee may act for the best interests
of the Board without awaiting instructions.
They shall make monthly reports to the
Board and recommend such improvements
from time to time as they may deem
Section 20
The Committe On Finance shall
have general supervision of the finances
of the Borad exclusive and pass upon
[?] before the same are allowed.
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