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24 Journal of the Proceedings of the

July 10 1891

They shall estimate and present a rate for
tax levy and pass upon the financial
reports of Officers. No claim shall
be considered by them unless it shall
have first been presented to the Board.
Nor shall any claim be presented to the
Board which is not certified by the
commission or Officer ordering the material
or labor charged for unless the attention
of the Board is called to the fact that
it is not so certified: The Committee
on Finance may approve any payroll
for park employees pending a meeting of
the Board whenever they may deem
the same advisable. In which event
a warrant may be drawn therefor
and the facts subsequently reported
to the Board.

Section 21
The Com On Judiciary shall prepare such
enactment as may be deemed proper and
if the same are approved by the Board
cause the same to be presented to the
Legislature for action thereon.

They shall prepare such rules and
regulations for the govenment of the
Board & its employees and ordinances for
parks and parkways as ma be deemed
proper, submitting the same to the Baord
for approval. They shall perform
such other duties as the Baord
may from time to time require.

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