Park Commissioners of the City of Seattle. 25
July 10, 1891
Section 22
The Committee on Disignation of Grounds
shall Examine and report upon all
propositions for extensions upon
new Parks or Parkways and take charge
of the purchase and sale of lands for
or by the Board: They shall subejct to
the approval of the Board designate names
for Parks and pieces of land coming into the
control of the Board and perform such
other duties as may be proper.
Section 23
The Committee on Employment and Supplies
shall have general supervision of the hiring
of employees, the purchase of supplies,
printing of reports & subject to the dir-
retion of the Board.
Section 24
The Committee on Police shall have
General Supervision of the Park Police &
shall see that all Police regulations
and ordinances are properly enforced -
They may at any time suspend or discharge any
Park Policeman.
Section 25
The Committee on Shore Rights and Privileges
shall have general supervision of the use
of shores for boating purposes etc. and of all
Buildings erected on any Park or Parkway
by the Board or under its authority. All
matters relating to pricing for refresh-
ment stands Bathing Houses Boat Landings
etc shall subject of approval of the Board
[be ??passed] upon by said Committees
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