[page] 26 Journal of the Proceedings of the
July 10 1891
Section 26
The Committee on Entertainment and Winter
Sports shall have general supervison
over the use of park grounds for picnic
purposes, Band Performances, Fire works
displays &c. They shall further Supervise
the use of said grounds for speeding
tracks &c subject to the approval of the Board.
Section 27
The Committee on City Forestry shall
exercise a general supervision over the
work of the city forestry and his assistant
and shall superintend the sale and
planting of shade and ornamental trees
for the adornment of private ground
&c when the same is done by the
Board or its employees.
Section 28
Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed
as to waive the right of the Board at
any time to increase or curtail the
duties of any Committee or to interest
and control their actions.
Section 29
Special Committees may at any time
be appointed by the Board in such
manner and for such purpose
as may be deemed best.
Said Special Committee unless
otherwise ordered to consist of 2
members each.
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