Park Commissioners of the City of Seattle. [page] 27
July 10
Section 30
The Board may elect a
Superintendent of Parks a Board Attorney
a chief of Park Police a City Forester
and such other officers and employees
as it may deem proper.
Section 31
The Superintendent of Parks shall
have general charge thereof and shall
except as otherwise expressly directed
act under the direct supervision
of the Board. In addition to his other
duties he shall cause to be made
out a monthly pay roll of Park
employees, certify to is correctness
and deliver the same to the Board
at as early a date as practically.
He shall make a yearly inventory
appropriately coming into his hands
and account for all he may have received
and perform such other duties as the
Board may require.
Section 2633
Written orders on Blanks prepared
for the purpose shall be given for
all supplies ordered for the
Board the same to be signed by the
party ordering the same.
Said order shall accompany
the claims for payment when
presented to the Board.
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