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Park Commissioners of the City of Seattle. [page] 31

Aug 6th

Motion by Barker that the Com on Grounds
open up a correspondence with some
expert engineer and landscape garden in the
East with a view of having plans for a system
of parks submitted to the Board. Carried.

Motion to have the Jud Com. have an ordinance
passed for the protection of the city parks
from trespass. Was carried.

Motion to have the Com. on Des'g of Grounds
secure if possible an open square in the
univerity grounds and donated to the City. Was carried.

The Com. on Labor and Supplies were ordered
to secure estimates of the cost for the
improvement at the Denny Kinnear
& Broadway Parks and report at the next

On motion the Board adjourned to meet
Thursday August 20th AD 1891.

Attest HW Miller City Clerk Approved
by Mm B Drown Daniel Jones
Dept. Clerk Chairman

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