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Park Commissioners of the City of Seattle. 33
Sept 3rd 1891.

Be it Remembered that on this the 3rd Day of
Sept AD 1891. The Board of Park Commissioners
of the City of Seattle met pursuant to ad-
journment in the Rooms of the City Clerk in the
New City Hall on 3rd and Jefferson Sts.

At Roll Call the following members are present
Danl Jones Chair
C N Evans
W E Burgess
Abram Barker
W E Bailey

Where upon the following proceedings are had:

Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.

Bill of Davis & Vining for 2.50 for carriage Hine
in viewing Parks was approved & ordered paid.

Committee Reports
Mr Bailey, Com on Des of Grounds states that the
University Commissioners have not title to property
on Union Bay and that is is unpractible to
secure a Park in that tract. No action taken.

Mr Evans, Com on Labor & Suppies reports [ -]
ding that Mr Taylor be employed as Supt
and he submit plans for improvement of
Parks and that he be engaged at a stated salary
per month on half be paid by the City and
one half by the Cable R. R. Co. No action taken.

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