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34 Journal of the Proceedings of the

Sept 3rd 1891.

Ordered that Mr Taylor be communicated
with and his services be secured at a salary of
$62.50 per month from month to month for one half of
his time and the he submit plans & estimates
for the improvement of the Parks owned at present
by the City.

Ordered that the Com on Des of Grounds be
instructed to correspond with Messrs
Cleveland and Olmstead with reference to
securing their services in laying out
a system of Parks for the City. Carried.

Ordered the a committee on location of
Rooms for permanenet quarters for
Park Board be appointed to report
at next meeting. Carried.
Messrs Burgess & Evans Appointed

Motion to adjourn until Sept 10th / 91

Attest Approved
H. W. Miller City Clerk Daniel Jones
By Wm B Drown Dep Chairman

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