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Park Commissioner of the City of Seattle. 35

Sept 10 1891.

Be it Remembered that on this the 10th Day
of Sept AS 1891. The Board of Park Coms at the
City of Seattle met pursuant to adjournment in
the [] of the City Clerk in the New City Hall.

At Roll Call the following members were present to wit
Daniel Jones Chairman
W E Burgess
C. N. Evans
Messrs Beajer & Bailey being absent.

Whereupon the following proceedins are had.

Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.

The following report from James Taylor Supt
was read and ordered [spread] upon the minutes.
Seattle Sept 10th 1891
To The Hon Board of Park Commissioners
of the City of Seattle: Gentlemen: In com-
pliance with instrucitons I have made a
cursory and superficial inspection of the grounds
reserved by and deeded to the City for Park
purposes and now submit a few suggestions
for your approval as the [] and most
economical methods of commencing [apen]
ations for their permanent impovement.
The first and most important preliminary
should be the erection of a green house with
heating appliances for propagating and
wintering the plants necessary for the effective
adornment of the public grounds. This
will necessitate the clearing and [g????ing]
of a small portion of "City Park" for a
site for the green house and for a nursery

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