36 Journal of the Proceedings of the
Sept 10 1891
for raising hardy trees and shrubs for Park
purposes. Such a clearing need not and
will not interfere with the natural landscape
nor with any interior design you may have in
view for the improvement of "City Park" but
on the contrary will be found a most valuable
auxillary. Giving you a selection and variety
of trees and shrubs which you could not
obtain in any other way with a nursery under
your own control you will be enabled to take full
advantage of donations or exchanges of seeds,
cuttings or plants from other [seiniton] inst-
itutions, National, State or Municipal through
out the Country; A privilege generally
denied to professional murserymen and of
which without a nursery you could not avail
yourselves to an considerable extent; also
residents and exresidents traveling aborad
will always be picking up something that attracts
their attention and that they consider desirable for
the Park. But aside from this and taken from
a purely financial point of view it will be
much cheaper to propagate your own plants.
To make any respectable display the "Bedding"
plants alone for the first season would cost
much more than the erecting and maintenance
of nurseries for the whole year where as in
the proper service of a nursery they are but tran-
sient incidentals and would not interfere much
with the raising and caring of the permanent stock
of trees, shrubs and hardy prennials! It is also of
importance that you should have plenty of manure
for the constructing of lawns and enriching the
flower beds. And I would suggest that the proper
authorities be consulted so that you can secure
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