Park Commisioners of the City of Seattle. 37
Sept 10 1891
The manure from the City Stables, the sweepings
of the streets and all other manure that may
be available; As to the course of the imporvements
it is for the Commissioner to decide where they
shall commence but I would respectfully
submit that the "Kinnear" Park be attended
to first. In several places the rain has
commenced to form ruts from the street and
in case of a heavy or prolonged rain these
may attain a magnitude to cause serious damage
and expense and should be attended to before
Winter sets in. Should this procedure meet
with your approval I will submit a plan
and estimates at your next meeting but I may
say that an expenditure of about $4000.00 dollars
would put it in pretty good shape at least
such [apit] as is susceptible of the ordinary
methods of improvement. I think some of
the most precipitous portions will require
considerable artificial structure to render them
available for public use on floral display
but I do not wish to give a decided opinion
without further examination and study
with regard to the "Denny Park" there are
no difficilties to [suren awet] but it is des-
irable that the street on the northerly side
should be graded previous to on [coutun] for allows
with work on the Park. I will make out
plan & estimates in due time. To begin
with and until the heavy part of the work
is done such as clearing, grubbing, and grading
a force of say twenty men could be employed
to good advantage which with all incidentals
such as tools, teaming, plowing, manure &C
would involve an expenditure not in any
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