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38 Journal of the Proceedings of the

Sept 10 1891
case to exceed $2000.00 Dollars a month. I will
require some printed forms such as requi-
sitions, foreman's report sheets and possibly some
others and a journal in which all expenditures shall
be entered daily. It is also desireable to have a set
of Rules and Regulations for the Government of the
Employees and for the guidance of the foreman and
myself in carrying out the orders of the Park
Commissioners: The Rules to be read to the man
when first employed and to be strickly enforced.
It may not be out of place to make a few re-
marks as to the wisdom or necessity of com-
mencing operations at the present time. There
seems to be but one opinion with the public
that the Commissioners would not only be
justified but that it is their duty to improve
the Parks to such extent as their means will
furnish. To show that your efforts would be
fully appreciated it is only necessary to visit
on a Sunday or Hoilday any of the gardens
recently provided by the enterprise of some
of the Street Railroad Co's. They are crowded
and there are many who are deterred from
patronizing them simply on that account.
They wish for quickness and seclusion and a place
to enjoy themselves in their own way. As
a financine investment it may not
return large interest in the shape of
Dollars and Cents. Although even in that
respect by the increased value of real estate
in the vicinity of the Parks and on the Main
Lines of access to them it would in some degree
compensate for the outlay! Some public
parks I know have increased values in

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