Park Commissioner of the City of Seattle. 39
Sept 10 1891
their neighborhood not by percentages but by
many multiples of their original value. But
it is not for such returns that public Parks
are established and maintained. Their object
is to provided natural scenery, pleasant
walks, retired nooks and green lawns.
Something to draw the people to the fresh
air and to allure them for the time being
from all business on domestic cares.
my Gentlemen Yours Respectfuly
James Taylor
A motion was made that Mr. Taylor be instructed
to procure such tools as were necessary under
the direction of the Com. On Des. of Grounds & Supplies
and engage a [swell] no. of men and begin work
at Kinnear Park at once. Motion carried.
It was ordered that Mr. Taylor report at
the next meting no. of men employed &
scale of wages to be paid and also to be [reviewed]
to the Board same method for the procuring
of the manuere needed.
The committe appointed to engage quarters
for the board asked to be continued & given
further time in the selection of rooms. Granted.
Attest Approved
H W Miller City Clk Daniel Jones
By Drown Dep Chairman
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