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Park Commisioners of the City of Seattle. 41

Sept 21 1891

Be it Remmbered that on this the 21st day
of Sept AD 1891. The Board of Park Coms
of the City of Seattle met pursuant to adjournment
in their rooms in the Bailey Block. At Roll
Call the following members are present to wit
Danl Jones Chr
W E Burgess
W E Bailey
C N Evans
A. Barker being absent. Whereupon
the following proceedings are had. Minutes
of the previous meeeting read & approved.

The Board was waited upon by
a delegation of Queen Anne residents
who discussed park matters in general
upon invitation of the President Danl. Jones.

Supt Taylor submitted plans for the imp-
rovement of Kinnear Park. On motion
the plans were adopted and Mr. Taylor
authorized to proceed with the improvements
of Kinnear Park as per instructions of
the Board.

A motion was made that Mr. Taylor
be authorized to erect a propagating house
at an expense not to exceed $1000.00. Carried.

The Supt submitted set of Rules to govern Park
employees. On motion the adoption of the
Rules was laid over until nex meeting.

On motion Teamsters were required to furnish their own
tools temporarily or until the matter is adjusted by the Board.
On motion the Board adjourned until Oct 11 / 91.
Attest Approved
H W Miller City Clk Daniel Jones Chr

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