44 Journal of the Proceedings of the
Oct 20 / 91
Be it Remembered that on the the 20th day
of Oct AD 1891. The Board of Park Coms
of the City of Seattle met pursuant to adj
in the Office of the City Clerk. At
Roll Call the folowing members are
present Danl Jones Chr
W E Bailey
W E Burgess
C. N. Evans
Abram Barker being absent.
Whereupon the following proceed-
ings are had. Minutes of the last
meeting read & approved.
The Supt reported progress of
work on Kinnear & City Parks.
It was ordered that a petition be sent to
the B of PWks asking them to put in
a wooden gutter along Olympic Ave
in Kinnear Park & the Supt present same.
The Com on Imp was requested to confer
with the B of PWks regarding the imp of
streets to be laid out.
On motion the Board adjourned to meet
Oct 27th 1891 in the Bailey Block. Carried.
Attest Approved
H W MIller City Clk Daniel Jones
By Drown Dep Chr
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