46 Journal of the Proceedings of the
Nov 5th 1891
Be it remembered that on this the 5th day
of November AD 1891. The Board of Park
Commissioners of the City of seattle met
at this first regular monthly meeting in Nov.
At Roll Call the following members are
present to wit:
W E Bailey
W E Burgess
Abram Baker
Danl Jones & C N Evans being absent.
Whereupon the following proceedings are had.
Minutes of the last meeting read & appvd.
On motion Abram Barker ws elected Tem-
porary Chairman.
The report of the Supt of Parks was read
and claims to the amt of 1919.27 were allowed.
The bill of Miss Kelly for service rendered
was rejected. (Amount $10.00)
The report of Supt Taylor on imp-
rovements of Kinnear and City Parks
was read and approved and ordered
filed and he was instructed to
purchase shrubs, plants &c
from the City nursery to the amount
of one hundred dollars.
On motion the Board adjourned.
Attest Approved
H W Miller City Clerk W. E. Burgess
By Drown Dep Chairman Pro Tem
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