Park Commissioners of the City of Seattle.
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Be it remembered
That on this, the 2nd day of January – 1893 – the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Seattle met in regular session in their chambers in Bailey Block. President W. E. Burgess in Chair.
At Roll Call the following members were present:
W. E. Burgess B. E. Bennett, C. N. Evans 3
Absent – W. E. Bailey.
Whereupon the following proceedings were had.
Reading of minutes of previous meeting dispensed with.
Report of Superintendent for December read and on motion received and ordered placed on file.
Pay Roll for month of December, in sum of 737.74 and Supply Bills for same month 291.80, were on motion approved.
Commissioner Bennett reported resolution, as follows:
Where as – W. E. Burgess’ term as a member of the Board has expired,
Resolved, that we extend our thanks to him for the invaluable services he has rendered as Chairman of the Board for the past year, and now express our sincere regret at the loss of of a painstaking, valuable and
Journal of the Proceedings of the
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and able public servant.
Motion was made to adjourn. Seconded and carried.
Attest George J. Stoneman - City Clerk - Approved By Dan Ragan Dept.
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