Minutes of Meeting held Jan. 2, 1900
The town council of the town of Columbia met in regular session - Present Mayor Hastings - Councilmen Hellenthal. Hepler, and Peirson - Absent Campbell
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved The water committee reported employment of a surveyor and the surveying of the water site of the town. Report accepted
Street committee reported the survey by [M?] Burbank of Ferdinand Street and submited a report and profile of the same. Upon motion said report and profile were laid on the table until next regular meeting and Clerk instructed to post note to property owners to be present at said meeting.
Water committee reported regarding the fountain - on motion the matter went over to next regular meeting.
Report of attorney read, accepted and filed. Certain rebates on water rent referred to in Marshall's report which was read and filed, were referred to the water committee.
Annual reports of treasurer and clerk were referred to finance committees to be reported on at next regular meeting.
Upon motion, the matter of improving the water site was dropped until Spring
On motion warrants were order drawn on the current expense fund for officers salaries for last quarter as follows: No 115 favor Joe Hellenthal - Marshal for December 6.50 " 118 " RD Nichols Attorney 30.00 " 119 " JL Dudley Clerk 15.00
It was moved and carried that warrants be drawn on the current expense fund in payment of the following audited bills, and the following warrants were drawn No 116 favor RD Nichols - litigation Ex 20" 119 " Geoa Burbank surveying " 38.50 " 120 " P McNally labor water works 33.75 " 121 " Thad Osgood " " " 32.25 " 122 " ABasker " " " 21.00 " 123 " M Basker " " " 9.00 " 124 " CR Hepler Election Exp 2.45 " 125 " CT [Cacuer] " " 2.95 " 129 " Thos Osgood " " 2.95 " 128 " DB Burbank " " 2.95
On motion council adjourned to meet Jan 9 to seat new council and elect town officers for the coming year.
TL Dudley Clerk
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