Seattle May 1st 1890
the Honorable, the City Council
of Seattle
Your petitioner, the
Puget Sound Clothing Company
resepctfully ask they may be allowed
further time in which to occupy
their tent at the cor of 2nd and
Yesler Ave.
Your Petitioner further states that
it has been absoulutely impossible
for them to obtain temporary quarters,
that they have on hand a large stock
of clothing etc. of a value exceeding
Your Petitioners have secured a store
on Third St but Washington and Yesler
Ave, but the same will not be
completed before the 1st or 15th of
Now your Petitioners respectfully
ask to be allowed to remain in said
TENT until their store is completed.
for if compelled to move will cause
your Petitioners great hardship and
serious loss. Respectfully submitted
Puget Sound Clothing Co
S Phillips manager
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