18 Committee on H and P recommend that the suggestionsof Ex Chief of Police Thornton be adopted D A McKenzie Chairman R H Callyer
George C Monroe Chief of Police Police Headquarters Seattle Washington July 31 1890 To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council City of Seattle Gentlemen I herewith most respectfully submit for the consideration of your honorable body the following recommendations, in reference to the Police Department of the City of Seattle. I am convinced that the practice of the City purchasing uniforms for the Police force is a pernicious one. One which creates dissatisfaction and is not attended with the best results. For instance when a man leaves the force he leaves a uniform that is practically of very little use to the force or to the City. I would therefore recommend that each officer be required to furnish his own uniform. I am also of the opinioin that the present salaries paid to the Police Officers is inadequate to properly renumerate them for the disagreeable arduous and often dangerous service they are frequently called upon to perform. I would
Recommendation of ex-Chief of Police re Police Dept. policies & salaries, etc.
H & P
George C Monroe Chief of Police Police Headquarters Seattle Washington 1890 therefore recommend the folowing increase of salaries. Patrolmen to be increased to $90.00 per m onth. Lieutenants to be fixed at $100.00 per month. Captains to be $115.00 per month. I would also recommend the creation of a Detective Department to be under the immediate control of a Chief of Dectives who will receive orders from and be subordinate to the Chief of Police. The salary of the Cheif of Dectives to be fixed at $125.00 per month and the salaries of subordinate Detective Officers be $100.00 per month. I submit these recommendations to the consideration of you honorable body withfull confidence that should it meet with your approval and support it would not only have a salutory effect on the discipline if the force, but greatly increase its efficiency. H W Thornton ex Chief of Police.