45 Petition of Frank Paul for adjustment of assmt error
Jud Cm Ref Jud Com House of Delegates Report Favorably
Committee Report Mr President: Your Committee of Judiciary to whom was referred the petition of Reuben Spahr for a correction of an error in assessment beg leave to respectfully submit the following report: That they have had the same under consideration and your committee would recommend the prayer of the petitioner be granted all which is most respectfully submitted.
A D Miller chairman committee
King County Washington Office of Julius Horton Assessor Seattle Nov 8th 1890 To the Hon Mayor & Common Council Reuben Spahr owns a tract of land 120x126 ft on Yesler Avenue near Kearney St describes as follows Beg 150 ft East of SE Cor of Kearney St and Yesler Ave thence E 126 ft thence S 120 ft thence W 126 ft thence N 120 ft to ft of Beg This land has been assessed at the rate of #1400.00 per lot amounting to $2800.00 in all. Property opposite and adjoining is assessed at the rate of $1100.00 per lot. There is an evident error in the assessment as the land $600.00 more than any other like amount in that vacinity Believing that the assessment is an error too high. I would recommend that it be reduced from $2800 to $2200. Frank Paul Deputy Assessor