To the hon. City Council of the City of Seattle.
Your petitioners respectfully represent that he is the owner
of Lot (2) Block (4) [Joe?] Kinnears add
which has been assessed to him which
year 1889 amounts to $6.00 and he further
represents that he has been
assessed with personal property
year 1889 by 2 (horses and cows) on which
the taxes amt. to $3.60 total
including the lot amounts to $9.60
Now he respectfully requests
you to deduct the said $3.60
of from the tax list as he did not
at the time or ever owned any
personal property in the
City of Seattle that the said
personal property has been
assest to him through mistake.
Steffen Pederson
No horses or cows assessed
2 Mtg.
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