Report Police Com relating to procuring Ambulance
Committee Report Mr President: Your Committee on Police to whom was referred Application for Ambulance Wagon beg leave to respectfully submit the following report: Consideration the Present State of the City Finances would recommend the same be not adopted
Chas Crowden committee
James Shannon, MD, President F A Churchill MD F A Noble MD
BOARD OF HEALTH G H T Sparling, MD, Health Officer
Seattle Washingon, Feb 5th, 189 To the Hon Board of Public Works Gentlemen, The Boards of Health respectfully recommends to your Honorable body, that steps be taken by the City towards procuring a patrol wagon and equipment, the same to be used also as an ambulance wagon. Respectfully Geo H T Sparling Scey Board of Health
Jesse Cochrane, chairman W V Rinehart G H Heilbron F W D Holbrook, secretary
Office of the Board of Public Works
Seattle, Washington Feby 9, 1891
To the Hon The City Council of Seattle, Wash Gentlemen The accompanying letter from the Board of Health advising the purchase of a Patrol Wagon and Equipment to serve also as an Ambulance wagon is transmitted to your Honorable Body without recommendation Respy Board of Pub Works F M D Holbrook secy