N.H. Pumphrey to build
Request to bldg. permit for construction of bldg. on 2nd between Pine & Pine.
To the Hon Mayor & Common Council of the City of Seattle Gentlemen Attached find a certificate & affidavit of Saml Woodall Architect. Also bids on a frame Dwelling House to be constructed on Second between Pike and Pine Streets in the City of Seattle Previous to the action of your honorable body regarding extension of Fire Limits, I had made arrangements for the Construction of said Building , some time after perfecting my arrangement I noticed in the Council proceedings published in the Post Intelligencer of July 23rd, a report (which you will find attached also) which was read & adoptedmaking the line of Fire Limit in the north 120 feet north of Pike St - within a few days after This in conversation with one of your body, he said hethought it had been done for to prevent the construction of large frames on Pike St.
on account of being so busily engaged with buildings on Front Street. I did not make application for my permit until yesterday the 30th. I was informed that the fire limits had been extended & that the permit could not be issued without the consent of your honorable body. Hoping to be heard on this subject when the proper time comes I am Yours Truly W H Pumphreys