Christopher "Kit" B. Acklin. His name is found elsewhere spelled with both an "i" and and "e."
J. H. Brown's INDIAN WARS AND PIONEERS OF TEXAS spells it with an "i" and here is the answer to a Genforum thread concerning the spelling:
"Please refer to newly published (2009) book "Word Family Heritage", Dick Waits and Wynette Barton, Nortex Press (P.O. Box 21235, Waco, Texas)ISBN 678-1-934645-86-4.
See pages 138-140; Kit spells name Acklin: Came to Texas between 1836-1840 from Alabama. His name was Christopher Black Acklin. He fought in the battle of Plum Creek. He probably left for California in 1849. He died in 1871 in San Francisco. obituary was published in the San Francisco Call.
Carson Gates
Falfurrias, Texas"
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