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two taverns a number of stores
and Grocery's A Jail and conta-
ining about 1,000 inhabitants of
German and Americans
Crossed the ferry kept by Andy
, and passed through the
bottom 2 miles and stopped for
some company. Started this evening
for the Rancho on the colette
6 miles distant at which we arr
ived 1 hour after dark having had
a very severe thunderstorm
most of the way which soaked us
pretty well
Saturday 1846
At two oclock left for Goliad District
Eighteen miles. We seen the ground
that Fannin occupied when he surrendered
to the Mexicans. Mr Duval one of our
company was one the men. After the fight
darkness stoped the fighting the americans un-
trenched themselves. The trenches are still
to be seen and containing less than an acre
of ground. Mr Duval gave us a history
of the scenes that occured to him which
was very interesting to us.
Camped at Goliad there is no town here
Some few familys only Sam Kenneys
Stodards McCamlies and others.
To morrow we intend visiting the mission

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Zenas mentions Mr. Duval, and his telling of the massacre at Goliad when he escaped. This same John Crittenden Duval went on to author many books about early Texas, and the one that comes to mind is the "Adventures of Big Foot Wallace." Duvall and Wallace were both Texas Rangers under Captain John Coffee "Jack" Hays.