100 lashes and the others 50 a piece
Wednesday 3rd 1846
Corpus Christy had a commanding
view from the bluff The Town
is situated on the beach under the
bluff Called on Mr and Mrs Johnson
all well Johnson is goint to Port
Isabella. A man was knocked
in the head last night of which wou
nd he died this morning They
are in pursuit of the murderer
The Gen and staff are [?]
and start this morning the other troops
have gone. We drew our ration
for our selves and horses corn &
oats coffee sugar pork bread
candles soap beans and ginger
Our corn and oats that we could not
pack we sold for 8 1/2 $ Their
[?] of [?] [ordered?] draw
8 days rations.
Thursday 4th 1846
This morning we took our horses
out to grase at eleven oclock
Came in after dinner Mr Booth Hays
and myself borrowed Mr Johnsons
Sail Boat this afternoon
and took a pleasant sail
on the Bay. The wind being
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