Saturday June 13th 1846
This morning rode to the point
and find it a beautiful place.
It being a bluff and a
fine view. Brazos Santiago is
in sight where the most of the
vessels lay it being the port of entry
for the Rio Grande. The Louisvill
Legion is encamped at Brazos Santiago The Texan Infantry is encampe
d near the town. Two of the companies arrived
this after noon from the east On
board the Steamer [Pastion?] also
a large number from N Orleans
There is 2 companies of artillery
here for the protection of the town
it being ditched in and mounted
with cannon. Went to the hospital
and find a considerable number
of men was wounded in the
engagements of the 8th and 9th of
May. [?] of the son are dying
the weather being very hot
This evening the Govenour arrived
at our camp from Matamoras
with Genl Burleson Hunt Lane
and others.
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