for the purpose of getting coffee
& sugar. We being out of both
those articles
Wednesday 26th 1846 Last night we
had an alarm of Mexicans
our pickets having fired at some
Mexicans. We all turned out in
line and stood with waited for
the enemy to advance but none
coming we went to our tents
and slept on our arms.
It proved to be a false alarm
and all the damage done was
the Killing of an old cow by the
Pickets guard. To day we moved
our camp 6 miles farther down
the River to a rancho and camped
in a valley of fine grass.
Thursday 27th 1846
To day it rained it being the first
rain we have had since we left
Matamoras. After dark the water
commenced coming in our tents
from the mountains so we had to
decamp about 50 Yds to higher
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