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since and the town being built
of mud brick suffered very much.
More than half of the houses had
fallen or injured so as to be almost
useless. The landing presents a buis
ness like apearance 5 or 6 Steam
boats unloading all the freight for
the army. There are about 15 Steam
boats employed in the service here.
Genl Taylor left here Yesterday
for Seralvo the depot for the
army on the route to Monteray.
It is estimated that there are about
[20?] thousand Volunteers here on the
Rio Grande. The army for
Monteray has marched for the Depot
at Seralvo. We will return to our
Regiment at China and thence to
the Depot. Several of our men are
returning home on account of sickness
The 2nd Tennessee Regiment having half
of their men sick.

Sunday Sept 13th 1846

Camp near China

We arrived at this place
two days since from Camargo
found the Regt generally well.

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Seralvo was the phonetic spelling used by Zenas for Cerralvo.