Transcription Conventions for Z. Matthews' Diary
- Spelling: Use original spelling if possible.
- Capitalization: Modernize for readability
- Punctuation: Add modern periods, but don't add punctuation like commas and apostrophes.
- Line Breaks: Hit
once after each line ends. Two returns indicate a new paragraph, which is usually indentation following the preceding sentence in the original. The times at the end of each entry should get their own paragraph, since the software does not support indentation in the transcriptions. - Illegible text: Indicate illegible readings in single square brackets:
- Editing your notes: hover over the text of your note, which will highlight yellow. Click on the yellow highlight to open a text box and make your edits. Finish by clicking the Save button.
"Autolink" will suggest subjects certain words could be linked to or you can use double braces to link subjects. [[Jane Doe]]
will link the text "Jane Doe" to the subject Jane Doe, while [[Jane Doe|Jane]]
will link the text "Jane" to the subject Jane Doe. We recommend that linking be left to an editor after the initial transcription is made.