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My dear [Claverby?] 8/1/06
Allan, When in trouble of a certain kind my mind always turns to you, & with no flattery intended have never been disappointed in the result
When I was trying to persuade the owner of the school dist to allow us to try the public school idea for at least one year, I invariably promised this school should be conducted (as far as the law would permit) just as the Friends have conducted
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it & upon that promise I think a great many Friends consented to the change. So I appreciating the great importance of having a teacher who has taught in the Friends school, went to Mis Stabler and asked her to consider a position in the school (as the only one possible) She said she would not take a position for less than $600. Which I think is only what she should get & we (the school board) have had her
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appointed with that condition I. E. that she shall get 600 -. The young man the only kind of a teacher we felt we could consider as possible for the kind of school we required. Mr Whiteford also informed us he could not accept a position for less than 800 (Eight) & we cannot see how we can possibly have a first class school for with less than one additional teacher or three in the high school.
Now with this long explain,
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I want this to draw up in a concise manner a heading for a paper which we wish to get [illegible] for setting forth (first) the fact of the importance of continuing the school as it has been heretofore & (second) the necessity of having better teachers than the [?] was willing to pay & one additional teacher) the [?] highest teacher salary 600, & like Mrs. [Sh?] 500 not being enough to command any one who would be satisfactory for our school
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I will be out of the Neighborhood or would come and see thee but am sure thee can understand this matter & will see the importance of a concise & plain statement to induce the patrons of this school to contribute we calculate about $10--- per child toward making this the best high school in the County. Will thee let me have the [paper?] as soon as possible & oblige [illegible] [illegible] for John C. Bentley.