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Arterial blood is dark color the system has received a severe shock which interferes with the operation of lungs in
Lymph in considered of fiberous tissue when examined by microscope
Union by first intention
Hemoragenous diatheses
Never close a wound while it is bleeding. Sling of glass plasters adhesive
Only resort to the Inchia when adhesive plasters cannot be applied
Laserated wounds are seldom accompanied by profuse hemorage of long duration
For cause * * Smiths Exp' on Horses Car' Arty'
Gun Shot Wounds
Powder Burns. Linseed Oil and Lime water
The effec of bird shot is worse than a bullet - the wound being of greater extent.
Oct 19th Giles Case Carving away 9-5 in Fibula part of Tibia Treatment same as bad contusion
Oct 20th Care must be taken before probing for a ball that the patient be in the same attitude as when injured
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Bullet is seldom felt with the probe from the fact that you will meet with some portion of the clothes
Oct. 23rd Maj. Nowel U. S. A. - Os Calcis. Spinal Marrow entirely severed- patient lived many years
Examine the dress of the patient - to discover wether any portion of it has been carried into the wound.
Secondary haemorage frequently occurs from stuffing of the coats of the artery
Sircumscribed Anurism diffused.
Cannon shot wounds Bathe the lips and nostrils with solution of Amonia give diffusion [?]
Poisoned Wounds 1. Morbid poisons 2. Venomous " Dogs do not always dread water when laboring under Hydrophobia
Man died with Hydrophobia who had been in the Penitentary for 17 years (Spontaneous)
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