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Give at the same time a mild assarent and after and after it Capsule three times daily- (before meals) avoid much exercise, all, liquors, spice' coffee' and stimulants of every kinds take a little or no supper- observe the [regimen?] prescribed for at least three weeks after the discharge ceases if the patient would be certain of a perfect cure. {Druitt?] Dulc 'Nit Eth' 3 iij Liquor Pottassu 3 iij Tea spoon full three or four timer per day as case may require
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Page 13
Water Solution of opum.
R Aqual OJ Pulv Opum' 3J
Linseed Oil Lime Water Burns & Scalds
Clinical Surgery
Operations by Prof N.R. Smith at Infirmary Oct for Ostula in ano Oct for Necrosis Oct for Sprained Ancle Oct for Fistula mans Oct for Necroses on Scapula
Page 14
Prof Aikern
Chemestry Hydrocloric Acid - Sulphuric
Oxygen-0 Chlorine - Cl Iodine -I Bromine - Bromine Flourine - F Barium - Ba Calcium - Ca Stroneum - Sr Hydrogen - H Nitrogen - N Carbon - C Sulphur - S Phosphorus - P Boron - B Silver - Ag Iron - Fe Zinc - Zu Tin - T Arsen - As Antimony -Sb Bismuth - Bi Copper - Cu Mercury - Hg Lead - Pb