Page 16
'gr' 20 grains one scruple 3 scruples " 3 drachins 8 drachins " 3 ounce 12 ounces " pound
The apothicaries pound and ouces, and the pound and ounce troy, are the same, only differently divided and sub divided. All weights now used by apothicaries above grains are avoirdupoise.
Page 17
- hast learned to love another - hast broken every bow - have parted from each other And my heart is lonely now I have taught my looks to shun thee When coldly we have met For anothers smite hath won thee and thy voice I must forget Oh' is it well to sever This heart from thine forever. Can I forget thee never' Fare well' farewell' forever'
Page 18
Thou hast learned to love another Thou hast broken every bow We have parted from each other And my heart is lonely now I have taught my looks to shun thee When coldly we have met For anothers smile hath won thee And thy voice I must forget Oh' is it well to sever This heart from thine forever. Can I forget thee never' Fare well' farewell' forever'
Page 19
We have met and we have parted When I uttered neare a word Like a guilty thing I started When thy well known voice I heard Thy looks were stern and altered And thy words were cold and high How my traitor heart would falter When I dared to meet thine eye Oh' mans wordly cares may grieve him His own hearts voice may leave him But to know she loves another Farewell' Farewell' forever.
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