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Example 2nd Continues

Sta Bearings Changed Bearings District N S E W

A B S 40 1/2E N85 1/2E 31.8.0 2.49 - 31.7
B C N 54 E North (2.08) (2.08)
C D N29 1/4E N24 3/4W 2.21 2.01 0.93
D E N(28 3/4)E N(25 1/4)W 35.35 (31.98) (15.08)
E F N 57W S 69W 20.90 7.49 19.51
F A S47W S7E 31.30 31.07 3.82
36.48 38.56 35.52 20.44
36.48 20.44
____ _____
2.08 15.08
As side ED 35.35 ------------------ 8.45161
As to side GD 15.08---------------1.17840
So is sine L EGD 90 ---------------10.00000
To sine L DEG 25.15---------- 9.63001

Example 2nd. Given the bearings and distances of the sides of a tract of land as follow; 1st Sunknown E
31.80 ch, 2n N 54 E 2.08 ch; 3rd N 29 1/4 E 22. ch: 4th N 28 3/4 E
35.35 ch3 5th N 57 W 20.90 ch; and 6th Sunknown W 31.30
To th eplace of beginning. Required the unknown bearings.
Ans 1st S 40 [degree mark] .29'E; and 6th S 4 7 [degree mark] W.

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