Page 6
Status: Complete
Dick, Be Ly Boke, the Parlett where Barney Iv. Barney, dermy Madis who mubie
was owned by Mr. Pirlett, his son Somells, Law. This type Benže Pokes Borny was the Kustut and most of the lochuey hands of Howard Connley of his dery Palistsen, one of the Crawfendim which was Camel Carluh of Given the honour of sending
then title with very Reillent noulls, so I am-assumed whe lume by Ur
Chuuly. Crawfund in clus and that Anas
nastyum Prevented the hands of the Aerfeis + Griffer? of Carmel County, Dick was Bosto mokes one of Lora 15 daughter of-Bany. Waswast Beulah, she was the ly Boston, he the ly Sport, he by Buster, hi Martin
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