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kept coming out. Finally McGraw said
to me, I dont know whether its the streets, Miller
and Glasgow? as the heat, so in the west
I'll pitch you in Pittsburgh and
Chicago, we'll skip St. Louis for I dont believe
you will ever win a game there, this
suited me just fine, so it wasnt until
the last year I was with the Giants that
several of our pitchers were out of shape
and the papers announced that I was to
pitch and out came the Millers, streets and
Glasgows - When I arrived in the club house
Stengel said to me, how many runs would
you need to win one and he will get them
for you, Oh just get me there, I feel fine
today - Well they got me three and St. Louis
had three, it was the tenth inning and it
was three to three in their half of the tenth
There were two out, three on base and
three and two on the hitter, Rogers Hornsby -
the greatest hitter in baseball was at the bat. At this
point Hank Gowdy the catcher came out
to the mound and said, now what are
you going to do for the streets, Millers and glasgows
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