Page 220




Status: Complete

31st 7th mo 3d day
Clear day: father went to Rockville: mother to Harewood
awhile in the afternoon.

8th mo 1st 4th day
Father went to Baltimore: Lucy called here before
meeting, back to Ingleside after meeting: some
rain after night, clear day

2d 5th day
Clear day. I spent the day at Uncle Samuels, called at
Ingleside both going and coming: went to Harewood awhile
after supper, at home to supper: Gilpin was kicked by a horse
late evening: Lucy came home in the evening: Henrietta came
home today.

3d 6th day
Clear and pleasant, father got home about 6 oclock, brought
sister and Laurence with him: Lucy and Emily
went to Dr. Palmers to spend the day and night: Kate
here awhile after supper: Aunt Jane and Willie Porter
here to supper: Henry Russell called here late in the

4th 7th day
Clear most of the day. Lucy came home to dinner, went to
Burnside to the club in the afternoon, sister went to
Ingleside: father went to Uncle Samuels, Ingleside and

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