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February - 1886 -

M.1 Rebeccas . birthday . Olney & Fairhill
T.2 Cousin Martha [?]. Miss Margaret [Armstead?]
W.3 Did not get off to Balto. snow heavy
T.4 Deep snow. All on office floor. [?]
F.5 Snow 14 inches.
M8 Busy making cake for [?]. [?]
T.9 Pleaasant [?] meeting. Rebecca
W.10 meeting. called at Stanmore. Suffrage [?]
T.11 very rainy day desk came - all my fancy [?]
F.12 Spent at [?] Cedars [?] this sad day
S.13 Rockland. Uncle C. and Aunt H. Olney
S.14 F.D.S. Rebecca
M.15 Frightful scare about Rebecca and Madge
who had a narrow escape from a falling
tree in the wind storm. [?] and [?]
T.16 Took Auntie on her way to [?]. To see Rebecca
W.17 [?] Aunt Emma's - away - back in afternoon [?]
T.18 Bettr A - as Dora Iddings. Dr. Green
sent for - sister ill. [?].
F.19 Wrote May Woodward. Aunt Lizzie Cook dead
S.20 Auntie came home. Coz Edward.
S.21 Select Bible Class. Meeting. Rockland ot call
M 22 Cousin Ed lecture - period between home
and dramatists. Rebecca to . dinner. afernoon
at Rockland. To Norwood. Sociable at [Aval?]
T.23 Dr Green came home lasr eve.
W. 24 Pleasant Grange. Dorothy Brooke.
T.25 Discouraged about my [?]
F.25 Recitations at Rockland. Big tree fell
S.27 Elise left. Lovely child.
S.28 Went home with R. from mtg. Call at Dr. [?]

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