Scrapbook and diary: Mary Magruder,1886-1887



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April - 1886

T.1 Libtary with Lizzie. Aunt Margaret all night F.2 Cousin Rathie and children spent here. Dr. Chisolm and Bessie Scotte wrote. S.3 Better Acquainted. 11 here. Bess C. & Miss Lescard S.4 Bible class with of [?] To Edgewood M.5 Rainy morning. work of art. [?] mtg T.6 Sunnyside to dinner. Horticultural Riverside [?] W.7 Oak Hill. monthly meeting with Coz. F. Coz Rathie Miss T.8 Came home. Charlotte Corday Letter from Mary F.9 Mr. Magruder & Coz M. to dinner. To [?] did not see Mary. Lovely spring day S.10 Afternoon annual meetg. Mary Called +S.11 First day School. Finished Two College Girls M.12 Sociable met here. Rebecca. Alburn pleasant. T.13 Monthly mtg of Grange. Store closed out. W.14 [?] meeting. Norwood. Coz Ed. lecture T.15 Gardening morning. Better Acquainted Cottage F.16 Went to Brighton Grange - good times S.17 To tea at Stanmore. Alburn again Rebecca, Miss Lenard, Edith, Frank, Lizies and Mary S. Mr [?] D.R. S and I. S.18 Meeting. Mt Airy Edgewood to tea [?] M. 19 Pleasant quiet morning. called on [?] C. Rockland T.20 Mild. flower bed. Coz F. Millers lecture Old W T.22 Recitations at Rockland. [?] F.23 Washington. Shopping. Ride to Georgetown S. 24 Emmas 3 lecture. [?] . Joe [?] person in [?] other to [?] . La [?] at night S. 25 St Aloysius - exquisite Easter music Cozs Bille &H. Rest. Coz Edward [?] on the evening. Dr. [?] on death M.26 S late. [?] [?] .[ Treasury?]. [Pre?]. Sadie Mrs. [?]. Home. Dr. Green. Sociable at R [?] T.27 Elise and Aunt Margaret [?] bad news W.28 Grange and after house [?] T.29 [?] Grange at Liberty [?] Good [time?] - good dinner and [?] F.30 House cleaning no Better Acquauinted

Last edit about 1 month ago by dimarbrown
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May 1886

S. 1st Cool. House cleaning. Dault here [?] S. 2nd Lovely. Bible class. mtg. The Cedars May M. 3rd Warwich better. Coz Mary Hall worse T. 4th Cousin Edie and Auntie Brooks to [?] Small, but pleasant Horticultural. Rebecca and Elsie W.5th Meeting. Family. The Caddens to tea. T. 6th Miss Leonard and R. to dinner of delightful company at [?] F.7th Left Seping Garden at 8:30 Pleasant. Hill at 3. Rained all day. Pleasant evening + S.8th still rainy - after dinner to new market S. 9th A bright day came to Falling Green M.10th Cousin John S. to dinner. T.11th Grange. "House people" Letter and lecture from [?] W.12th Rainy. Meeting in [?] Committee at Mt. Airy T.13th Did not get off to Phila. Sad letter from Brother drifting from place to place F.14th Unsettled day. Started at 1.30 missed Phila train. Called on Dr. and Mrs. Price. Heard S. [?] S.15th 8.20 train. Met Aunie Tyler & [?] . Dr. [?] [love?] office until 2. Lunch. Wanamakers. 4.02 train Baltimore Laurel at 8.20 still Rainy Dr. does not know what is the trouble with my eyes. S.16 Home at 10. Found Edward burnt with zinc M.17 Aunt Sarah sick. Called at Rockland T.18 Another discouraging letter. [?] marriage lovely W.19 Edward getting on very well. but troublesome T.20 Heading middle march - eyes up to 20 min F.21 Annie Jones serving getting out. Mr. David S.22 Club at Olney. [?] . Rained aggin S.23 First day School. Elie [?] . Called Fairfill & Olney M.24 Aunt [?] very [cow?]. Edward bitter T.25 Aunt Sarah doed at 10:20 this mormning. Sharon W.26 Funeral from Sharon at 3. Poor Aunt Margaret T.27 Ashton - The Cedars and Sharon. F.28 [?] to go to Washington tomorrow cousin C.H.M. Mamas pictures. Last dancing class. S.29 To Coz E.E. Tysons to S. Leas Mardin. [Relbec?] [?] here wirhin. got back Daute - address on agenda. S.30 Bible class, meeting, Helen. Jeannie & Aunny found me at house M. 31 Did not go to Washington had pleasant day at Emmas M. Childs.

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