Page 19




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de Chavennes born in Lyons
town of Valence Pope Pius 6th
died here the town so wonderful
amongst the mountains like the
Cliff builders in [Aruzonia?]
Montelimar is an ancient town
noted for its Nouget a kind of
almond sweet meat - Madame
de Sevigne died here At
Orange we saw an old Roman
Theatre a monument stands there
It was one time the capitol
of an independent principality
It still has the ruins of an
Are de Treonphe A colossal
statue of the virgin crowns the
heights - Avignon - it was
in 1309 the headquarters of the
Popes the Saracens took it once
and were routed by Charles
Martel The Popes were driven
from Italy and came to Avignon
it was called the new captivity
of Babylon Pope John 2nd
constructed a gigantic Palace
which still exists Tarascon
which recalled [Dan dels?] novel
Tanson - The ruins of theChateau
of Banclaire Arles is one

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