Page 2
Wednesday May 2727 1868
Commenced planting corn
Thursday May 28th finished planting corn
Saturday May 30th Jimmy Boyd and myself
started about 6 o'clock a.m. after fish to
Perryville and succeeded in getting 1100
herring at $1.50 pr hundred - besides 1 1/2
bushels of "Peach blow" potatoes for Rev. L. C. Rutter
at $2.00 per bushel.
Sunday May 31st Reached home with
my fish just at day light in the morning.
cleaned and put our fish in pickle after
breakfast. Let J Boyd have 400 herring.
Tuesday June 2d Drained the fish and
packed them away in salt.
Thursday June 4th Jimmy Boyd worked
all day on the roads. Levi Barnet took
dinner with us. Planted broom corn and
pumpkin seed.
Friday June 5th Jimmy Boyd worked all
day on the roads. Harriet and myself
went to Mr Rutter's and left his potatoes
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