Page 14




Status: Complete

Thursday July 2d 1868-
John Tomlinson came in the
morning and worked all day.
J. Boyd horse raked all the hay that
was cut yesterday, as soon as the
dew was sufficiently dried off. John
Tomlinson & David "bunched" it up
before dinner and we commenced
hauling in immediately after dinner.
Chas Pusey came shortly after "
and mowed all the afternoon. I tried
"pitching on" hay the first load but
found I could not stand it, and
afterwards "built" the loads, which
was as much as I could do, as the
sun shone intensely hot. but I succeeded
in holding out until night.
J Boyd went to Longs Mill after
supper and got all the feed they
had ground, only 1 1/2 bushels.
This is fine hay weather but I fear
if we do not have a shower soon
the corn and potatoes will suffer.

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