Diary: Caleb E. Iddings, 1892



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Clear & Cloudy Ther. 70o FRI. MAY 6th, 1892 Wind Variable

Another beautiful day, until afternoon when we had quite a storm of wind & rain, there was a heavy storm passed north of us, it looked like a "hailstorm" to me. Jno Johnson worked here about 3/4 of a day. After supper W drove Fritz to the buggy & brought Mary Wilson over here & then took Frank & the "Surry" & taking Dora they went to Olney to a lecture. W made up hills for the lima beans he & John did considerable work in the garden. I trimmed the four apple trees at the lower end of the lot.

Clear Ther 47o SATURDAY 7th Wind N.W.

Quite cool all day with strong N.W. wind there must have been a hail storm passed near us yesterday afternoon. I have had a head ache all day & feel unwell. I drove to Ashton to see Ent this morning. Afternoon Willie took Dora & Edward in the buggy with "Fritz" & drove to Riverside: he expected to put the boat in order for summer use. The thermometer indicates 33 degrees lower temperature than 24 hours ago: from 88o to 55o and the strong wind makes it cool enough for fires in the house.

Clear Ther. 42o SUN. MAY 8th 1892 Wind N.W.

Almost cold enough for frost this morning & continued cool all day. Saml Bond Jr: called on his way to meeting. I drove down to the "bone mill to prescribe for Jas Johnson's child "Lizzie". Mrs Ent called me in to see Ent again & I also saw Mr Evans at his request. Afternoon Willie took Dora to church at "Crow Town" near Brighton. The boys next door had an increase in their family of dogs this afternoon to their great delight. I am still feeling quite unwell, but better than yesterday.

Clear Ther. 50o MONDAY 9th Wind N.W.

Another beautiful spring day Willie worked in the mill all day and after supper drove "Fritz" to Brighton & back. I drove down to the Bone Mill again to see Jas Johnson's little girl, who is much better. "Phil" went with me. After supper I went to the Lyceum to hear Mr P Laird upon "Tariff Reform & Cleavland as the Democratic nominee for President.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Theakir
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Cloudy & Rain Ther 58o TUES. MAY 10th, 1892 Wind E. & S.E.

Cloudy & threatning & about 2.o'clock it commenced showering & continued at intervals all afternoon & evening. I drove to Ashton to see "Ent" again before dinner he having sent Mrs Ent for me "Phil" went with me. I also went to Mr Downey's to see him about hay. Willie worked at the mill all day. Mr Jas Henderson was here for me to write a letter for him to Mr. "Keedey", principle of the boarding school at which his daughter "Ella May" now is. I am feeling much better than for several days past, for which I am thankful

Clear & Cloudy Ther 65o WEDNESDAY 11th Wind Variable

Clear & cloudy until afternoon when we had a thunder gust & hail storm. I drove over to Riverside this morning. Willie with me. called to see "Ent". Frank Snowden & wife brought their infant daughter to me for advice etc. Willie got 2 bushels of potatoes from "Ingleside" afternoon he went to Muncaster's to spend the night. Alice & Fanny Peirce took tea with us. After supper I drove down to Robt Stabler's to prescribe for a little girl (Emeline Rains Hill) boarding there fot my watch home from watchmakers in Balto agin. "main spring" cost $1.50

Cloudy & Clearing Ther. 64o THURS. MAY 12th 1892 Wind

Still quite cool with wind from N.W. I drove down to Robert Stabler's again "Phil" with me. Willie came home from Muncaster's at 9-30 this morning. Clifford Waters commenced the new plan of boarding with us: getting only dinner here every week day, & supper only on Wednesday's & Saturday evenings @ -- pr meal. After After supper Dora & Willie went to Dr Chas Farquhar's "reception" at his home. he having been married yesterday to Miss "Nelly" Strain. they were home in good time.

Clear & Cloudy Ther. 53o FRIDAY 13th Wind N.W.

Still quite cool in the morning I drove down to Robt Stabler's again Willie with me. Called at the Bone Mill & Chas Bond paid me Saml's acct: Afternoon I walked to Ashton Willie went to "Downey's" with cart & brought us a little hay. Fanny Peirce came to supper. After tea Willie took Dora & F Peirce to "Olney Lodge"

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Ther. 59 Cloudy and Rain SE Wind SAT. MAY 14, 1892

Commenced raining about 4 o 'clock this morning & continued at intervals all day. Clifford Waters sent word before breakfast that he was sick & wanted Willie to take his place in the store. I drove down to Robt Stabler's & called at Ents "Phil" with me After supper "Jim Johnson came for me to go to see his child at Lethbridge's & I walked down and prescribed for it. We had a heavy thunder-storm with very heavy down pour of rain about 9 o clock & lasting until near midnight.

Ther. 63 degrees Cloudy and Clearing SW Wind SUNDAY 15th

Bad headache this morning. I drove down to Robt Stabler's again Frank R going with me. Willie took Fanny Peirce home after breakfast. I called at Lethbridges to see the Johnson child again. Afternoon Luther Muncaster & W drove "Fritz" to T J Lea's. I was called again to go to Robt Stabler's & was caught there in a thunder storm and staid until after supper, came home just after dark. Have had "headache" all day. I feel badly. Luther Muncaster came on his bicycle and will remain all night.

Ther. 65 Clear and Cloudy Wind W MON. MAY 16th , 1892

Clear this a.m. Wind blowing from the west. I drove down to Robt Stabler's & called to see the Johnson boy at Lethbridges. "Phil" with me. Sent "Frank" to J Marlow's to have shoe put on his left hind foot. Luther Muncaster went home after dinner.

Ther. 65o Clear Wind W TUESDAY 17th

Beautiful morning. I drove "Fritz" to Robt Stabler's. Willie with me and called at Jas W Johnsons whose wife paid me their bill. After lunch I drove to Rockville to the first meeting of the Co: Medical Society since November last. W with me home about sunset. Charley had a daughter born yesterday morning at 5. o 'clock "all doing well".

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Ther. 67 Clear and Cloudy SE Wind WED. MAY 18, 1892

Mr J T Henderson brought his daughter "Ella May" to the office for advice & med: Willie planted Lima Beans & used lawn mower around the house. Phil washed the Phaeton for me. Sarah Jane Powell was here for advice & medicine. After supper Dora and Willie drove Frank over to T J Lea's to make a call on Mary Wilson. Clifford dined and took tea here. "Uncle" Hensen called to see me. "Turner" called and left $2.00 (two dollars) sent by Amanda Dublin.

Ther. 68o Cloudy Rain and Clearing Wind Variable THURSDAY 19th

Rain about breakfast time and at intervals all day. Very heavy part of the time. R Roland Moore came after me and I drove to Marden & prescribed for his son William. through the rain. Willie with me. I took a pair of my double harness traces to Mr Oldfield's shop &left them for repairs. Afternoon I drove to Ashton to see Mr Evans. Willie went on to Ingleside & got cabbage plants (1.00). I got F Leizear Sr to make a frame for Mr Evans to use to support his knees when in bed.

Ther. 56o Clear and Cloudy Wind Variable FRI. MAY 20th 1892

I drove to Marden to prescribe again for little Wm also to Ashton to see Mr Evans. Afternoon I went again to see little William at Marden. Willie drove "Fritz" to Brighton and brought Fanny Peirce here to tea. After tea he drove "Frank" over to T J Lea's and brought Mary Wilson home and then took her down to the Sherwood School house to an "Entertainment" (Theatrical)" after which he took her home. Dora, Fanny Peirce and Edward walked down with Miss Mary Fowler &"Bessie". It commenced raining gently about 8.o'clk ' Ther. 55o Rain and Cloudy SE and W Wind SATURDAY 21st

Rainy morning and showery more or less all day. I drove to "Marden" to see little William again. Willie took Fanny Peirce home before dinner. Afternoon it tried to clear off but did not quite succeed in doing so. Chas Howard (colored) was here to see me about his account.

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Cloudy & "Drizzle" Variable Wind Ther. 57 Sun. May 22, 1892

Cloudy & dull all day, damp & chilly. I drove to "Marden" before dinner. Afternoon Willie drove "Fritz" to Brighton, I suppose After darjk "Turner brought me a note from Madgie Moore saying little "William was not so well" and I walked up to Marden & back through a drizzling rain and so dark I borrowed a lantron to see my way home I found the child not so ill as they feared he was; there has been too much noise and excitement to day in the house for his good.

Clear Ther. 48o Monday 23rd Wind. N.W.

Quite cold for the time of year we had fire in the dining Room all day. I drove to "Marden" to see R Roland Moore Jr's boy William, who is so much better. I shall not see him again unless sent for. Afternoon knocked his thumb out of joint playing ball. vWillie went to "Riverside" for milk Edwd went with him & came home with a head ache Sarah Wright brought Amanda Dublin's boy for advice &c I have not felt well all day, being chilly & head "achey".

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Theakir
Displaying pages 36 - 40 of 127 in total