Diary: Caleb E. Iddings, 1892



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Clear & Cloudy Ther. 65 Thurs. May, 26th 1892 Wind

Considerably warmer last night and this morning than for some time past. I took "Frank" up to Thos Marlow's shop & had an old shoe put on his "off" hind foot. Edwd Gilpin was at the office to consult me professionally. Willie staid all last night at Riverside. We had quite a thunder gust about 4.o'clk p.m. with considerable rain Saml Wetherald brough me another clinical thermometer in place of the one broken at "Marden" We have had two gusts, the first after passing over came back & it now looks like our having another before morning.

Clear & Cloudy Ther. 67o FRIDAY 27th Wind Variable

It rained powerfully severl times last night & early this a.m. W came home from "Riverside" after breakfast. We had another thunder gust about 2. o'clock this afternoon with heavy rain, thunder, & lightning, and still another & more violent onewith hail about 4. p.m. after which it cleared off quite cold before sunset. We have had 4 thunder storms & two heavy rain storms during last night making six (& the last one with hail) within the past 24 hours which is indeed remarkable.

Clear Ther. 50 SAT. MAY 28th 1892 Wind NW

Clear & bright but cool after the hail storm. W came home from "a dance" (at Brighton Grange Hall) at 2.45 this a.m. Edwd tried to take his first picture with the "Harvard camera outfit" of his mother sister & Ginger & it not being quite satisfactory he took another "group" of the 3 boys from next door & will "develop them when he has taken several negatives." After supper I walked up to the store. Mr Marshall & Miss Martha Tyson called for me to go to prescribe for "Henry" Moore, & I drove to "Marden" & home before it was entirely dark. Sarah Jane Powell was here for advice & medicine again. W took Dora to E Peirces & left her to go to Glenwood with F Peirce.

Clear & Cloudy Ther. 65 SUNDAY 29th Wind S.E.

Considerably warmer today. It was beautifully clear & bright early this morning but clouded up about 10.o'clk with wind S.E. I drove to "Marden" to see "little Henry" again. Edwd with me. It "showered" a little several times during the day. Afternoon W went to E Peirces to bring Dora home. Mr. Perry Connell was here for advice & medicine for Mrs. Connell. Willie & Dora came home about 8-30 p.m.

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Cloudy & "Showery" Ther. 68o Mon. May 30, 1892 S.E. Wind

Threatning rain again. Willie went to "Riverside" after early breakfast & helped finish planting corn. Home before dinner time. Mrs. Jas.W Johnson was is in the office for advice & medicine for herself. Afternoon W drove "Frank to Brighton & back. I went down to "Sherwood" to a game of baseball "Highland Js" versus "Sherwood;" the former were victorious being much the heavier team. Louisa Bowen washed for H. It cleared off beautifully towards sunset.

Clear & Cloudy Ther 69o Tuesday 31st S.W. Wind

Quite warm all day. I worked at painting the tin in the "valleys" connecting the back building with the main part of the house and also the roof of the verandah. After dinner I rode to Ashton to prescribe for Mr. M.K. Evans going & coming with Lizzie Scott. Mrs. Rodney Boswell was here to consult me. Jessie B. Stabler & Miss Brooke called also Dr. Brooke. Letitia Jackson came in evening stage.

Foggy, Cloudy & Clearing Ther. 70 Wed. June 1st, 1892 Wind S.E.

I felt quite stiff and rheumatic this morning, but did some "tinkering" around the house & yard. Bro Richd called. After supper Willie took Letitia Jackson over to "Homewood" & went out himself to "Brighton" Edwd tried to get a photograph of old "Fritz;" how he succeeded will appear after he "develops" & "prints" the picture.

Ther. 70 degrees Cloudy & Clearing Thursday 2 SW Wind

I drove to Marden to see about Miss E Canby. "Phil" with me, wrote to Miss Canby. Recd letter & check from Mrs. E H Griffin & mailed receipt for same. Also mailed 5.00 in letter to F Tyson. Walked up to P.O. after supper & left letter at Gideon Gilpins. Willie commenced painting his buggy. It has been very warm today but a fine breeze kept it from being very hot Beautiful moonlight evening. Got box (containing screens etc. ) ready to send by market wagon to Washington to go to Charley at Purcellville Va:

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Clear & Cloudy Ther 70 Fri. June 3d , 1892 S.E. Wind

Still quite hot but a nice breeze makes it endurable. I worked around the house and in the garden at intervals all day. It looked very much like a thunder gust towards evening but up to this time 8-30 p.m. it looks less like it than before sunset. Willie went to E Peirces & brought Fanny Peirce here after tea expecting to go to the "Lodge" but Dora declined going & they went "next door" to call up Mrs. M Crosby who is visiting there from Balto. Co.

Clear & Cloudy Ther. 72o Saturday 4 S.E. Wind

Was called up at about 1. o'clk this a.m. to remove a "fish hook" from from the hand of a boy or young man (colored) "Brogdon" by name. Afternoon Willie took Dora & Fanny Peirce over to Homewood with Frank to the "Surry" home to tea. It looks very much like rain this evening. Has been very hot in the sun but a fine breeze from S.E. all day.

Clear & Cloudy Ther. 70 Sun. June 5, 1892 Variable Wind

Quite warm all day. After dinner Willie took Dora in the "Surry" to church at "Brighton" and called at Homewood & took some of the friends from there then all took tea at Edwd Peirces and came home after dark. Alcinda Hill was here for advice & medicine. We had quite a thunder storm but no rain here.

Ther. 69o Clear Monday 6th N.W. Wind

It has been quite warm again all day. I drove to Ashton before dinner to see Evans Louisa Bowen washed for H. W worked in the garden nearly all day. Kate Matthews was here for advice & medicine for her children. Afternoon Mr. Chas S Porter called & we talked about Mr. Evans. Bro Chas: called after supper & took W home with him to help plant potatoes tomorrow.

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Clear. Ther 68o TUES. JUNE 7th 1892 Wind S.E.

Clear fine day. We sent a box containing fly screens etc. etc. to Charley at "Lincoln" by the "Brighton" Market wagon to Washington, to go from there by rail road. Sophy & Fanny Peirce dined with us. Afternoon Clarence Leadbetter, Hannah Chandlee & Letitea Jackson called. Willie was away all day, helping Bro Chas plant potatoes. having gone over to Riverside last evening. I have been busy all day "tinkering" around at various little jobs, & am feeling very tired tonight.

Foggy & Cloudy. Ther. 70o WEDNESDAY 8th Wind S.E.

I drove to Ashton before dinner. Letetia Jackson came from Ed: Bentley's before dinner. Willie rode "Frank" to Brighton after supper.

Cloudy & Clearing S.E. Ther. 67o THURS. JUNE 9th 1892 Wind S.E.

Rained two heavy showers last night & was cloudy & threatning this morning. I was sent for and drove to "Marden" to see Roland Moore's infant daughter. Willie came home before midnight last. This Afternoon we had the heaviest thunder storm we have had for several years. We planted but 18 Egg plants (from Jas Murry's) & Alice Tyson sent us some very fine tomato plants. Kate Matthews brought her child to the office Letitia Jackson left in morning stage for home. I went to "Cy" Grady's to see their infant son.

{"Frank" shod "all around"}

Cloudy. Rain & Clearing. Ther. FRIDAY 10th Wind Variable

We have had almost "all sorts" of weather today. It rained twice during last night & several times today and we had something of a thunder storm about 1.o'clk this p.m. I rode "Frank" to Ashton before dinner. Harry Lea called to see us whilst we were at dinner. I went over to the School House this being the last day of the Summer Session: they had "speaking" etc. and Miss Counell gave the scholars a "treat". cake & water ices etc. W came in at about mid nigiht last. & went away again after supper this evening in his buggy driving "Fritz."

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Clear Ther 66o SAT. JUNE 11th, 1892 Wind NW

Beautiful day from beginning to end with the air pure & bracing, Dr A Stabler called & left C. Leadbeater's valice. Willie took Dora to "Silver Spring" on her way to Washington to spend a day or two with Hannah Archer. Afternoon Martha Tyson was here for advice & med: for W Moores infant daughter. Dr Brooke called. Green Howard brought his little boy for advice & medicine. I went to Ashton for "Ichthyol" for Edwd's hand. L Muncaster came to spend the night with Willie, who came home about dusk.

Clear Ther. 66 SUNDAY 12th Wind S.W.

Another beautiful day for the "Friends Quarterly Meeting, which was quite largely attended by both "Friends" & others. I went over with Bro: Charles & was much pleased & perhaps benefited by going. Fanny Peirce came to dinner Willie went and brought her to a meeting held in the evening and took her home again. I walked over to the evening meeting also. It has been considerably warmer today than yesterday, but a nice breeze from the S.W. made it more pleasant than it otherwise would have been.

Clear Ther. 70 MON. JUNE 13th 1892 Wind S.W.

Still another beautiful summer day, but extremely hot. I went over to the meeting house, but did not remain during the session of the meeting. Bro: Chas: came over & sat with me. Harry Lea also came & spent most of the morning with us. Willie trimmed the hedge & worked in the garden. he also washed the phaeton & his buggy, & afer supper drove "Fritz" over to T.J. Leas and perhaps elsewhere. Edwd & the boys from next door went to the Hawling's River for a bath. & E had his shoulders & back burned by the sun until I expect it will "peel"

Clear Ther. 74 TUESDAY 14th Wind Variable

Fine day but extremelyl hot notwithstanding a nice breeze from S.W. Willie drove "Frank" to "Silver Spring" & brought Dora home from her visit to Hannah Archer in Washington. they reached home about 4 o'clock p.m. it was a hot drive for the horse, being all in the hot part of the day. I tinkered at various jobs about home all day. We all felt the heat & had a small thunder gust towards evening with little or no rain, although it looked quite threatning at one time but seemed to pass over above us.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Theakir
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