Page 23




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Ther. 46o Monday Mar. 12th 1894 N.W. Wind

"John" came & went with me to "Wrenwood,"
Thos Lea's & Riverside & home before
dinner. Mr. Wm Greenwell (nephew
of Mrs Cochrane) called for medicine
for his aunt & paid her bill (for Miss M
Colt) "John" staid until after dinner. I sent
Edwd up to the store & paid for the gumboots
he bought there during the snow storm.
Afternoon Mgt. Moore sent colored girl (Mary
Thomas) with a note for advice & med. for "Dassa."
I walked up to the store for "cottolene" etc.
After supper Edwd went to "Scotts" again
to play for the dance class.

Clear & Cloudy
Ther. 45o Tuesday 13th S.W. wind

"John" came quite early & after breakfast
rode "Frank" to Riverside & brought back
Bro. C's "Charley" horse & getting "Jim" Scott
to help him, took Mary E. Gilpin's wagon &
harness & went to "Osceola" for a load of
hay. I went next door & prescribed for
Mrs. Robison who is "sick in bed". I also
went to the store for some articles. "John"
brought 115lbs of "Sapling Clover" hay from
"Osceola". Jim Scott went with him but went
home to dinner, helping to unload
the hay. Frank Robison also helping him.
John took the horse home to "Riverside" and
back to supper.

Ther. 44o Wednesday Mar 14th 1894 N.W. Wind

Strong N.W. wind all day. I rode
down to Ashton & back on horse back
before dinner. Jno G Cornell delivered
an address to the pupils at Sherwood
this afternoon. I intended going to hear
him, but could not get off in time.
I went to the mill & to Henderson's
house for the papers in afternoon.
John C & Edwd N Bentley & Thos Lea
were surveying the Bloomfield place
with the boy from next door carrying
chain. "Phil" & "Frank" besides a colored
man or two to help as axe men etc.

Ther. 30o Thursday 15th S.E. Wind

Much colder today. Water freezing
in the horse buckets on kitchen porch.
The wind is from the S.E. but is extremely
raw and chilly. I walked up to mill
& to Hendersons house for the papers.
Feel very sore and rheutmatic and
am suffering from "sore mouth" or
sore gums, which renders eating a
painful process. It looks and feels like
more snow. I had hoped we were done
with it for this year but fear we are
not. Afternoon I loaned "Phil" "Frank" & the
phaeton to bring some flour from P.T. Stabler's
for his mother. "John" brought a chicken to
exchange for one of our "light Branch" roosters,
which was too fine a fowl to kill for use on
the table

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