Page 6
Ther: 37 Cloudy Wind S.W.
Mon. Jan. 7, 1895
I went to Riverside on horseback
returning. I went to a meeting of
the Sandy Spring Mutual Insurance
Co. at the Lyceum: important
business was enacted & changes
made in its organization which
I fear will injure the Co. Bro
C called. Willie came & took
supper here & went back to
Ther: 35 Cloudy Rain & Snow Wea.
Tuesday 8
This has been an extremely disagreeable
today. I went up to the
mill & got a bag of corn for the
horse. Dora went up to S Wetherald's
& was there all day. Old John
called to see me after dinner.
Towards night I went to the store.
It is snowing fast at bedtime, but
it too warm to make sleighing
unless it should grow colder.
Ther. 28 C lear & Cloudy Wind N.W.
Wed. Jan. 9, 1895
Colder this morning snow 6 in deep &
mud under it, making traveling bad.
I rode to Riverside on horse back
home to dinner called at Ashton.
Dora went to help Mrs Wetherall again
after breakfast. I felt stiff & rheumatic
this morning. Recd letters from T H Borden
& Ernest L Iddings. It commenced
snowing fast about 3.o'clock p.m.
& continued up to bed time. If it
should continue long enough and
clear off cold, it would make good
sleighing again.
Ther: 35 Rain, Rain Wind N.E.
Thursday 10
This has been an extremely disagreeable
stormy day, wind blowing
strong & raining at intervals
very hard. Dora went up to the
insurance office & helped fold
the "statements" to send out
to every member insured.
I went up to the mill and
to Henderson's house for some
coal. I also went to the store
(one bucket full
which was returned)
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